Gran tour of Florence

Walk with me along streets and piazzas that are famous all over the world, and disccover the millenial history and the secrets corners of Florence!

Gran tour of Florence

per person

A throwback tour that will lead you from the Roman origins of Florence, to the fights between Guelphs and Ghibelline, to the wonders of the Renaissance, until the grandeur of our most recent past. We will have a walk along streets and squares that have become the symbol of Florence all over the world, but we will also discover alleys and tiny streets out of the time and of the crowd, where we will take the time to have a delicious cappuccino or gelato, and strolling around we will discover the 4 neighborhoods that still today mark the most authentic corners of city center.

You should choose this tour if: you want to dive, even for just one day, into the history and life of Florence, making the most of your time to get to know as much as possible about Florence, living the magic to walk in streets and alleys where big names of the past walked, but also being enchanted by sounds, parfumes and colors of today’s Florence. The tour includes about 5 hours of walking with short stops, lunch is NOT included (on request I can book a restaurant for you), we will enter in FREE churches and other historical sites if they are open and available.

To book call + 39 339 4490762 or fill in the form.

For info about prices click here.
Morning 10-12: Starting from Piazza della Repubblica, the “heart” of Florence, we will reach Piazza San Lorenzo to look at the church that was the first cathedral of Florence, then we will discover the first house of the Medici family, and from there along the ancient “Via Larga” we will get to Piazza Duomo, where you will be amazed in front of the huge bulk of Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral, considered the fourth biggest church in the world.
After that we will stroll around Dante’s neighborhood, full of tower-houses to discover the history of Guelphs and Ghibellines, and then we will reach the Bargello’s palace, the first public palace of Florence, today one of the most important museums in the world for its collection of sculptures and various art objects.
After that we will arrive at Piazza San Firenze, surrounded by beautiful massive buildings, and finally we will walk to Piazza Santa Croce, still today one of the biggest and oldest squares of Florence, where every year takes place the typical “calcio storico fiorentino” (florentine historical football)
Afternoon 15-18: In the afternoon we will meet again in Piazza della Repubblica, but from there we will walk toward one of the most interesting churches of Florence: Orsanmichele, the church of the city’s guilds and casket of one of the most important collections of Florentine sculptures of the 1400s.
We will then proceed to Piazza della Signoria, a true “open air museum”, where the most famous palace of Florence is: Palazzo Vecchio. Walking through the majestic Uffizi courtyard, where we will “meet” some of the “bigs” of Florence, and then we will walk over the Ponte Vecchio, the oldest bridge of the town.
Crossing the river, we will reach the massive Pitti Palace, the third and last Medici’s residence, to know the final story of this powerful dinasty, great supporter of Florence Renaissance. Strolling around in the “Oltrarno” neighborhood, one of the most genuine and beauti-ful of Florence, we will arrive in Piazza Santo Spirito, the centre of locals’ nightlife, and walking along Via Maggio we will cross again the river Arno over the most eleg-ant of the Florentines bridges.
Finally, walking along the fashion street Via Tornabuoni, we will reach the beautiful Piazza Santa Maria Novella, to look at the elegant façade of the church, one of the most beautiful of Florence.